Let your dreams be filled with the wonderful world of Ken Done! Ken's use of colour radiates pure happiness. We're elated to be teaming up once again with a whole new range of products and artworks destined to bring smiles to many faces and inspire the sweetest of slumbers. The Kip&Co x Ken Done Pastel Blooms Linen Pillowcases showcase an 80s-esque floral print, featuring pastel blooms in shades of pink, yellow, blue and green, with notable textures of pastel outlines and ink wash. Made from 100% French flax linen.
100% French flax linen.
Available in 2P Std Set
Our linen is pre-washed to give an even more intimate look and feel and, best of all, your linen will continue to soften with time.
Packaged in re-useable self fabric drawstring bag.
After two sell out ranges, we couldn’t resist a little more time in the sun with our favourite Aussie icon, Ken Done. Beach Days by Kip&Co x Ken Done is our third collection with the godfather of Australian style - luminous, vibrant colours, that intangible feeling of bright crisp sunshine and a sense of optimism and irreverence that can’t be replicated. We’re so thrilled to bring you all new prints and products for the whole family, in collaboration with a man whose irrepressibility and enthusiasm for life has made him both a creative and personal inspiration to us all. If only we could all have one day on the beach with Ken!
Ethically made in India.
Proudly carbon neutral. Independent and female founded.